Mathematics Curriculum
For children to retain, retrieve and apply the non-negotiable objectives of Mathematics in their
long term memory.
A whole-school approach to using baseline assessment prior to teaching programmes of study to
inform their planning.
For all children to access problem solving and reasoning skills.
Concrete apparatus is continued to be used as a manipulative to enhance learning for all children
alongside the White Rose plans.
Implementation – The Teaching Sequence
Teaching will include a daily coverage of revisiting the non-negotiable end of year expectations
by using ‘Fluent in Five’ or ‘Primary Quiz’ – 2X week minimum.
The agreed Teaching Sequence: Every Monday: Arithmetic Lesson (45mins) Every Week
Multiplication practise: 2 x week minimum Y2 - Y6
Teaching Sequence – (Tuesday – Friday)
The following steps could be across more than one
lesson or all in one lesson. More than likely mostly lessons will follow all these steps, but some
might just focus on the problem starter and guided practice, especially at the beginning of a unit.
When this happens, the lesson following will need to recap the Guided Practice before moving
on to the next steps. 1. Problem Starter 2. Guided Practice 3. Independent Practice 4.
Teachers will use formative and summative assessments to pinpoint areas of weakness to
strengthen through revisiting or intervene with pre-teaching.
Teachers are to use manipulatives wherever possible during lessons as a tool for all children
using paired resource tubs. There will be an expectation of concrete resources to be used as an
aide to enhance learning for all children within the class.
Teachers to use ‘White Rose’ alongside ‘Master the Curriculum’ and resources from Tara
Loughlin to create lesson sequences that deepen thinking and result in problem solving and
reasoning within lessons.
Children will demonstrate more fluency in their retention of the non-negotiable skills.
Specific groups or individual children are to be identified and gaps filled rather than increasing in
Children will learn new concepts or secure their learning with concrete resources and be able to
demonstrate this through their increasing use of pictorial demonstration to solve problems.
Children will reach their end of year objectives. Those who do not will have intervention.